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浏览文章 【发布时间: 2021-03-15】  【点击数: 】 【字号: 】 【我要打印


入选辽宁省“百千万人才计划“千层次人选,大连医科大学英才工程后备人才。主要学术兼职包括:中华医学会心身医学分会委员,中华医学会神经病学分会神经心理学组委员;辽宁省细胞生学会 睡眠障碍学组 副主任委员,大连市医学会精神医学分会副主任委员。







惊恐障碍患者内感知觉异常的神经机制研究(辽宁省自然基金2019-MS-0992019-10-01 2021-09-3010万元 ,排名第一)



1. Liu W, Zhang C, Wang X, Xu J, Chang Y, Ristaniemi T, Cong F. Functional connectivity of major depression disorder using ongoing EEG during music perception. Clinical Neurophysiology 2020, 131(10): 2413-2422.

2. Hu G, Zhou T, Luo S, Mahini R, Xu J, Chang Y, Cong F. Assessment of nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms for electroencephalography spectral analysis. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2020, 19(1).

3. Chang Y, Wang Y, Mei S, Yi W, Zheng Y. Blunted neural effects of perceived control on reward feedback in major depressive disorder. Journal of affective disorders 2020, 276: 112-118.

4. Zheng Y, Li R, Guo H, Li J, Zhang H, Liu X, Pang X, Zhang B, Shen H, Chang Y. Heightened sensitivity to panic-related sounds with reduced sensitivity to neutral sounds in preattentive processing among panic patients. Journal of affective disorders 2019, 250: 204-209.

5. Mu Z, Chang Y, Xu J, Pang X, Zhang H, Liu X, Zheng Y, Liu X, Liu X, Wan Y. Pre-attentive dysfunction of musical processing in major depressive disorder: A mismatch negativity study. Journal of affective disorders 2016, 194: 50-56.

6. Chang Y, Xu J, Pang X, Sun Y, Zheng Y, Liu Y. Mismatch negativity indices of enhanced preattentive automatic processing in panic disorder as measured by a multi-feature paradigm. Biological psychology 2015, 105: 77-82.

7. Pang X, Xu J, Chang Y, Tang D, Zheng Y, Liu Y, Sun Y. Mismatch negativity of sad syllables is absent in patients with major depressive disorder. PloS one 2014, 9(3): e91995.

8. Chang Y, Xu J, Shi N, Pang X, Zhang B, Cai Z. Dysfunction of preattentive visual information processing among patients with major depressive disorder. Biol Psychiatry 2011, 69(8): 742-747.

9. Chang Y, Xu J, Shi N, Zhang B, Zhao L. Dysfunction of processing task-irrelevant emotional faces in major depressive disorder patients revealed by expression-related visual MMN. Neurosci Lett 2010, 472(1): 33-37.













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